A few weeks ago I authored a post asking if public bookmarking websites like Digg and Delectable were perishing. It looks like they are. This few days the technology click unveiled that Kevin Increased, Digg’s originator, is breaking deliver and shifting on to a new start-up. Visitors is also down by almost 50% when in comparison to its high, so technology websites are affirming Digg very much deceased.
But what occurred exactly to Digg, and what problems did it do, as it once was one of the most well-known and well known Web 2.0 startups? In fact at one point The search engines was meant to buy it for around $200 thousand, but the cope dropped apart in the last instant.
Digg articles classes were ridiculous.
Digg is about articles, and articles needs to be identified. For most of its lifetime, Digg classification was peculiar and intensely partial according to the founder’s semi-adolescent world perspective. For example, “Tech” was a group. And so was “Apple.” Why was one company designated for particular treatment? There were no classes for things like “Religion” or “Research,” but six classes for gambling.
Digg has enhanced articles classes by providing less, more common ones. But its “Media type” classes are “News,” “Image” and “Video.” The first is not a click variety, but a articles variety. For example, movie can be announcement, Why is not it “Text,” instead of “News.” And why turn out “Audio”?
Digg has always was battling with simple classification.
The post also says how Digg had a disposition against site articles, and how finished up offending web owners from its users list, which certainly harm its reputation. Truly worth a go through.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Is There Digg Did Something Wrong?
7:50 AM
for me digg is better than slashdot
i agree with that
i see a little
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