What a statement to begin with, since the mantra seems to be checked once a week and not lose too much time on their statistics. And I agree with what appears to be the reasoning, if you spend all that time looking at their stats, what else might be making it more productive? Also appears to be an underlying feeling that for us small statistics may be too darn depressing, so stay away can be good for your mental health and motivation.
But I'm going to fight for the children and those addicted to the statistics and say that if used correctly, statistics are an extremely useful tool for building community. Because for most of us, most of our community does not speak with us. The number of comments, like Facebook and Twitter responses is minuscule compared with the daily number of visits to our blogs, and when no one answers your questions you need another way to learn what motivates them.
His stats are the key to discovering what is important for all those people who have found and like you, but say nothing. I know it is traditional to try to talk to these people and make them talk to you, but for the reviews first you need to learn about the silent majority. The more we learn them, the more likely you are to succeed in what is important to them.
There are four ways your stats can help you learn about your community.
It is obvious, but may be important. What you need to be aware of the seasons, festivals and traditions of their readers? Although I am Australian, many of my readers come from the U.S. and a large number are from Europe. This makes me consider how to balance my stories of walking in the forest and ensure that they offer indoor activities as well as my readers are pulgAdemás snow that determines when I post and tweet-go and live my messages in the morning early to catch the readers of U.S. in the night.
The big players are search engines and social media, but sometimes there is an increase in traffic from a specific forum or web community. If the public is well-you can come and talk to people thinking of visiting your site. But even if private, it says something about your visitors, if you are receiving visits from a baby names site, you can make some of the posts for children to take advantage of your interest?
What's going on in your world?
One day I had a peak in a post called "13 things to do when it rains." Sometimes you can take advantage and sometimes can not. But the image of mothers across the U.S. East Coast to be trapped inside and finding something to do with their children struck a chord. That became real people with real lives and problems that may be related to, instead of "readers" or success. "" And that is at least as valuable as knowing that the social network of their choice, and that makes me write for them, instead of numbers.
I had another peak just after the earthquake in Japan in a piece he had written earlier about plate tectonics and earthquakes. -Emotional faces at once I felt horrible was happening, and guilty for doing well out of it, but at the same time I was glad that could help explain to people looking for an answer. It reminds me to take responsibility for what I write, because you never know when it might cease to be interesting and fun, and become important.
What do you want?
One of my most popular posts of all time about babies starfish. A little digging showed me that most of the information available on starfish, or no mention of babies, or is fairly static. On this and my other long-term popular posts has taught me much about my audience and what they want to know. They are the parents, teachers, people who are looking for comprehensive explanations of the demand quirky children. And they've secretly always wanted to know but none of the sources of "official" information will be given to them! Strange searches bringing people to your site are not a cause just for fun (although it can be fun too), you say they are and what their readers want from you.
Once you start getting those readers who are not personally related to you, just look at the numbers is a waste of time. But not completely prevent your stats, because if you learn to listen to your community are talking to you.
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