Thursday, December 1, 2011

Improving The Ad CTR: The Definitive Guide

Those who have been using the Internet as a business platform since the beginning have realized that there has been a significant decrease in the percentage of clicks on the ads of recent years. During the birth of this massive revolution curious and willing people to click on anything that was promised fame and fortune or any of the other things that Internet marketers advertising.

Today, however, we have developed a competent internet generation people who have seen thousands of ads thrown at them from all directions. This creates a problem for owners of blogs that would like their readers to click on your ads so they can have some pocket money for their efforts.

Understanding ad blindness

This problem, which is sometimes called "banner blindness" can be addressed to some extent, looking at the way that users actually see and use your website.

For example, ClickTale analytics software lets you see how visitors move their cursors all in place. This will give you an idea of ​​the areas where visitors interact with your site, but what we really want to know where visitors are looking for.

There has been some research on the study of how people look at web sites and most have concluded that people browse Web sites in an F-shaped pattern, which means they will read the title and then move their eyes down the left side of the page, occasionally blinking his eyes in the content, if something catches your eye.

As you probably do, Internet users skim read the contents to save time and to see if the information is something that is really interested in before committing to reading, word for word. Images and critical assessment of the study that produced these data can be found here.

Matching style ads to your content

The next thing you have to do is to match the style of their ads with content. Because of banner blindness, people on purpose will be to avoid seeing the ads if they can help, and if you do extra-clear that his ads are announced, then most people do not even consider looking at them: you have lost the opportunity to attract a click.

All visitors are interested in when they come to your site is content. You have to get them interested in your ads. Matching your content you are suggesting that the ads are as important as the content. If these ads are placed in the right places, then, is likely to be seen, and I hope it perceives as a
useful part of your site.

There are some other ways to combine your ads to your site. The one I found through my own research to have the highest click through rate is the AdSense link unit 15 × 468. When placed in the top of your site, link this unit may appear as a menu that can create interest and if the ads are relevant to the content, you can create excellent click through rates.

Now to talk a little banner and image ads. There is some discussion about whether or banner ads are a good way to make people click through your site. The obvious advantages are that you have a larger area to work on the site, and these ads are a visual aspect that may encourage people to see them. This does not necessarily encourage them to click, however.

Some research suggests that banner advertising is much more useful to create brand recognition actually selling products directly, and I for one would have to agree. If you have banner ads on various websites below, even after seeing them only once or twice, the visitor will feel comfortable with this brand, which means that if you do click through the page, and have a small element of trust in the brand.

The last point I'll consider is the types of banners to use. Some bloggers may be angry if they are not what they perceive as too many banners on a site, and immediately leave your site without reading the content, which is the last thing you want!

The words of wisdom here has to be: do not choke your site banners. This has to be left to their own discretion, but as a general rule I suggest you use no more than six to eight ads on any page image. In addition, advertisements in movement can be great, and will attract the attention of readers, but if used too much, you risk making your website look as if everything in motion, which can be very disconcerting. My recommendation is to have no more than two ads in the eye movement at any time.

In summary, for a maximum, the CTR you want:

ads on the top of the page
ads on the top left corner of your content
Banner ads sold to private sources who want recognition for your brand or
own products
Image ads low traffic areas with special eye for capturing moving
readers' attention (but not too many ads on the move).

What steps have been taken to improve ad click-through rates? What advice can you add from your experiences?


Anonymous said...

the less ctr is the more income in adsense

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